Short-Term Rentals in Prince George's County: Restrictions and Requirements

Are you looking to rent out your property in Prince George's County? Learn about the restrictions & requirements for short-term rentals.

Short-Term Rentals in Prince George's County: Restrictions and Requirements

Are you looking to rent out your property in Prince George's County? If so, you should be aware of the restrictions and requirements that come with short-term rentals. Prince George's County has set limits on the number of days a listing can host short-term rentals in a calendar year.

Owner-occupied listings

can be rented for up to 180 days per year, while non-owner-occupied listings can be rented for up to 90 days per year. Additionally, no rental can last longer than 30 consecutive days.

If the property is owner-occupied, it can only be rented for a total of 90 days in a single calendar year. If the property is not owner-occupied, it can be rented for a total of 180 days in a single calendar year. Furthermore, no more than 8 guests are allowed at a time, with no more than three guests per room. Platforms must apply for their own license and have approval from Prince George's County.

Currently, it is unclear which platforms are approved or will be approved. It is likely that AirBnB will be approved, but this has yet to be confirmed. Once short-term rentals are legalized in Prince George's County, new problems may arise and will need to be addressed in future bills. The rental must comply with all applicable laws and codes, including, but not limited to, subtitle 4 of the Prince George's County Code and all applicable property maintenance, electrical, plumbing and construction codes.

To stay on the right side of the law and ensure that secondary activities are on the increase, please refer to the link to the Prince George County page where this legislation is registered.

Alissa Contreraz
Alissa Contreraz

Evil internet nerd. Avid zombie scholar. Extreme tv expert. Hipster-friendly zombie practitioner. Unapologetic zombie advocate. Hipster-friendly web geek.

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