What is the Average Household Income in Prince George's County, Maryland?

This article provides an overview of average household income in Prince George’s County MD. It includes information on citizenship percentages compared to neighboring geographies and matrices; median household income; foreign-born residents; universities; workgroup

What is the Average Household Income in Prince George's County, Maryland?

Prince George's County, Maryland, is the second most populous county in the state, with 946,971 inhabitants. It borders the District of Columbia (DC), Anne Arundel County (Maryland), Calvert County (Maryland), Charles County (Maryland), Howard County (Maryland), Montgomery County (Maryland), Fairfax County (Virginia) and the city of Alexandria (Virginia).The table below shows the percentages of U. S. citizenship in Prince George's County, Maryland, compared to its neighboring geographies and matrices.

The graph illustrates households in Prince George's County, Maryland, distributed among a number of income groups compared to the national averages for each group. The map shows all the districts of Prince George's County, Maryland, colored by their median household income (total). None of the households in Prince George's County, Maryland, reported speaking a language other than English at home as their primary shared language. The largest universities in Prince George's County, Maryland, are the University of Maryland Global Campus (15,422 degrees were awarded in 2002), the University of Maryland-College Park (12,417 degrees), and Prince George's Community College (1,341 degrees). The chart displays the percentage of foreign-born residents in Prince George's County, Maryland, compared to that of their neighboring geographies and matrices.

The homeownership rate in Prince George's County, Maryland, is 62.1%, roughly equal to the national average of 64.4%.This visualization illustrates the percentage of students graduating with a bachelor's degree from schools in Prince George's County, Maryland, depending on their specialty. The most common workgroups by number of people living in Prince George's County, Maryland are administrative support occupations (58,736 people), management occupations (47,350 people), and mining occupations in construction (26%).The table below shows how the number of patients seen by primary care doctors has changed over time in Prince George's County, Maryland compared to neighboring geographies. Car ownership in Prince George County, Maryland is roughly the same as the national average with an average of 2 cars per household. Primary care physicians in Prince George's County, Maryland see 1,887 patients per year on average - an increase of 3.34% over the previous year (1,826 patients). The largest universities in Prince George County by number of degrees awarded are the University of Maryland Global Campus (15,422, 48.6%), the University of Maryland-College Park (12,417, 39.1%) and Prince George's Community College (1,341, 4.23%).In conclusion, it is clear that Prince George's County has a diverse population with a wide range of incomes and educational backgrounds.

The county has a high homeownership rate and a relatively low percentage of foreign-born residents compared to its neighboring geographies and matrices. Primary care physicians have seen an increase in patients over time and car ownership is roughly equal to the national average.

Alissa Contreraz
Alissa Contreraz

Evil internet nerd. Avid zombie scholar. Extreme tv expert. Hipster-friendly zombie practitioner. Unapologetic zombie advocate. Hipster-friendly web geek.

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